
🗓️ 18.8.2022


13:00 – 17:00

Additional information:

  • Registrace na jízdy od 12:30
  • Drobné občerstvení k dispozici
  • ⚠️Registrací souhlasíte s pravidly jízdy v Sosnové. Přečtěte si je here.

Liability Waiver of Trackday Participant

Carefully read through the Terms and Conditions of this Liability Waiver. Accepting is an essential part of participating in our trackdays. Confirm your acceptance by filling the form below, a signed copy will be sent to your email.

General advice

Always warm the engine, brakes and tires at least for one lap. Similarly, cool down the car before going back to the boxes. While warming up or cooling down, drive with your hazard lights on by the side of the track.

Regularly check the engine oil level, brakes and tires condition in the boxes. Generally, we recommend a tire pressure of approximately 2.2 bar when the tires are warm.

There is usually no insurance valid on the racetrack. All damages to the circuit equipment, damage to other cars or even pollution of the track are fully your financial responsibility. Details are part of the Liability Waiver.

We recommend driving with road cars for a maximum of 15-20 minutes at a time and ensure warming and cooling laps.


Watch the rearview mirrors, if a car suddenly appears in them, it's faster than you! You should allow such a car to overtake. Remember, trackday is not a race!

At our events, we follow the rule of overtaking on the left.

If you are letting a faster car pass by, always give the right turn signal. The driver of a faster car will know that you noticed him and can safely overtake.

Technical issue

V případě technické poruchy okamžitě zpomalte a jeďte při pravém okraji s výstražnými světly na parkoviště.

If a leak of operating fluids is suspected, immediately get out the asphalt surface onto the grass at the edge. Pollution can easily cause an accident.

Poprvé v SOsnové?

Jedete s námi do Sosnové poprvé? Podívejte se na krátké video ukazující jak se na trati chovat, na co si dát pozor a kde se najíždí a sjíždí z trati. Po celou dobu akce bude k dispozici náš tým, pokud budete mít jakékoliv otázky.

See you soon!

Děkujeme za vyplnění nezbytné administrativy a těšíme se na viděnou na trati v Sosnové!

Is this your first trackday? Read our article, about how to prepare for it or check out our FAQ.

Rádi byste se zlepšili v ovládání svého auta na limitu? Podívejte se na možnosti 1:1 coaching and contact us to secure your spot.