🗓️ 19.10.2023


9:00 – 18:00

Additional information:

  • Helmet is mandatory for every driver as well as passenger - you will not be allowed to enter the track without one!
  • Tow hook should be installed
  • Check-in starts at 8:30AM for All-day and Morning slots
  • Check-in at 1:30PM for Afternoon slot
  • Lunch break 1:00-2:00PM
  • Possibility to book 1:1 coaching session (book in advance via email)

Every registered participant with a wristband is entitled to free lunch in the restaurant during lunch break.

Liability Waiver of Trackday Participant

Carefully read through the Terms and Conditions of this Liability Waiver. Accepting is an essential part of participating in our trackdays. Confirm your acceptance by filling the form below, a signed copy will be sent to your email.

Please sign the form from PC, it is not possible to sign from a mobile phone.

General advice

Always warm the engine, brakes and tires at least for one lap. Similarly, cool down the car before going back to the boxes. While warming up or cooling down, drive with your hazard lights on by the side of the track.

Regularly check the engine oil level, brakes and tires condition in the boxes. Generally, we recommend a tire pressure of approximately 2.2 bar when the tires are warm.

There is usually no insurance valid on the racetrack. All damages to the circuit equipment, damage to other cars or even pollution of the track are fully your financial responsibility. Details are part of the Liability Waiver.

We recommend driving with road cars for a maximum of 15-20 minutes at a time and ensure warming and cooling laps.


Watch the rearview mirrors, if a car suddenly appears in them, it's faster than you! You should allow such a car to overtake. Remember, trackday is not a race!

At our events, we follow the rule of overtaking on the left.

If you are letting a faster car pass by, always give the right turn signal. The driver of a faster car will know that you noticed him and can safely overtake.

Technical issue

In the event of a technical issue, slow down immediately and drive to the boxes on the right edge with the hazard lights. If the car is immobile, get out of the car as soon as possible and stand behind the barriers. Don't stay in the car!

If a leak of operating fluids is suspected, immediately get out the asphalt surface onto the grass at the edge. Pollution can easily cause an accident.

Signal flags

Every racetrack is equipped with flags or LED signaling boards. Please pay full attention to them while driving. If you have any questions about the meaning of the colors and the rules associated with them, please contact our team.

Free entry to the track or the end of the limited danger zone.

Beware of danger. Slow down to a maximum of 60km/h and do not overtake.

Faster car behind you. Watch the mirrors and allow an overtake.

Track closed. Slow down and return to the pits.

Session end. Finish the cooling lap and get off of the track.

See you soon!

Thank you for completing the necessary administration and we look forward to seeing you on the track in Brno!

Is this your first trackday? Read our article, about how to prepare for it or check out our FAQ.

Would you like to improve your driving skills or work on the ideal racing line which can be tricky in Brno? Take a look at the options of our 1:1 coaching and contact us to secure your spot.