First time on track?

No need to worry about anything! It is simple, our online registration takes only a few minutes, and on the day, our team will guide you through your first trackday experience.

What is a trackday?

Free driving slots on a race track for road cars as well as sometimes racing cars. No need to be scared if this is your first time participating though, all our events have strict safety rules in place.

Why come with us?

You can count on experienced team, limited number of participants, open pit-lane format and the biggest selection of dates. Plus, the friendly atmosphere of all our events is legendary!

Miluješ rychlá auta a sportovní jízdu? Nikdy jsi ale nebyl na závodním okruhu a nevíš, co od toho čekat? Zkoukni video nahoře a projdi si tuto stránku. Slouží jako tvoje vstupní brána a rozcestník ke všem důležitým informacím. Pokud si ani po jejím přečtení nebudeš něčím jist, neváhej nás contact us!

Driving on a race track is the best choice to enjoy sports driving. The traffic is light and one-way, there is limited number of participants, safe escape zones, good quality tarmac and most of all great atmosphere with friendly like-minded petrolheads. What is there not to love? Trackdays are not just about free driving though. You can improve your skills with our experienced coaches and book 1:1 coaching sessions. We will help you how to control the car and make sure that you treat it well when driving to the fullest.

Are you yet to experience your first ever trackday? No need to worry! It is simple and our team will guide you through the whole process.

First time on a trackday?

Are you yet to experience your first ever trackday? No need to worry about anything! It is all quite simple and our team will help you with every step. We are happy to advice on the best track to choose for your first day. Once you will know what track suits you the best, simply choose a date and book your spot online in our Shop. Few days before the trackday, you will receive additional information on your email. A lot of useful info can also be found on our blog.

For a first time visit, we recommend that you book a 1:1 coaching session. Our professional coaches will help you to feel at ease on your first day. You will get to understand the proper racing line and gain more confidence with car control. All under safe supervision.

Are you keen on trying your first trackday but you are a little worried about your car? With proper handling and following of few basic rules there is no need to feel that your car will not handle track use. You can have a lot of fun also in a less powerful car! If you want to take your experience to the next level and try something new, you can also rent a track car from us.

Our trackdays are designed to be enjoyed both by trackday newbies with the help of our team, as well as experienced drivers.

What is a trackday?

Trackdays nebo-li takzvané okruhové dny jsou volné jízdy na závodním okruhu. Princip je velmi jednoduchý. Ráno přijedeš na parkoviště v areálu závodního okruhu, kde je dostatek místa pro parkování a v označeném boxu si vyzvedneš samolepku na čelní sklo, která slouží pro vjezd na trať. Ano, je to takto snadné, protože veškerá administrativa již proběhla online. Bezpečnostní pravidla a důležité informace si navíc zopakuješ před samotnými jízdami během povinné rozpravy s našimi instruktory. Po rozpravě nasedneš do auta a už se jen bavíš a zlepšuje své řidičské dovednosti.

Our trackdays are designed to be enjoyed both by trackady newbies with the help and support of our team, as well as experienced drivers. If this is your first time on a track, there is absolutely no reason to feel out of place or that you would be getting in someone else's way. Thanks to the strict limits of number of participants, everyone can have enough space on the track. On our events, there is no stressing about traffic, waiting in lines or trying not to miss your group allocated time. You can simply enter and exit the track whenever you feel like. This format of so called open pitlane is guaranteed on all our events.


How can I register?

It is easy. Check-out our shop with list of all trackday dates. We hold around 30 events across whole Europe every year, with primary focus on Czech racetracks such as Automotodrom Brno, Autodrom Most or small technical racetrack of Sosnová. Every track is specific and is best suitable for you depending on your car, experience and goals. If you are not sure which track and date choose, do no hesitate to reach out.

Unless stated otherwise, all our trackdays are full day events with possibility to buy full day or more affordable half-day tickets. We always show how many tickets are left for each session next to the given date in the shop. Our trackdays are often sold-out weeks in advance, so make sure to register early.

The whole team is put together from the pool of experienced driving instructors, test drivers and specialists on driving safety.

Why come with us?

There is a wide selection of trackdays from various organizers. So why should you choose us? We have set up clear rules for your maximum safety and fun behind the wheel. With us, you can count on an experienced team. The whole team is put together from the pool of experienced driving instructors, test drivers and specialists on driving safety. Not to mention that we are all true petrolheads and cars are our lifelong passion.

Naše trackdays mají striktní pravidla, která když účastník nedodržuje, tak okamžitě končí! Celodenní letní termíny na velkých závodních okruzích, jako například Brno nebo Salzburgring mají profesionální traťové zabezpečení podobné tomu, jaké je při testování závodních týmů. Rizika eliminujeme také nízkým počtem účastníků na každém trackday a omezenou propustností trati.

We know most of our regular clients personally and we know we can count on their trackday ethics. And our team always takes great care of all new joiners. As you can see we take safety really seriously and that is also reason why you will not find any commercial rental companies on our events. These activities are just too risky.

Trackdays, unlike races, are mostly all about fun and getting better behind the wheel. On selected dates we do offer professional time keeping, but getting the best lap time should not be your priority. In order to amplify the fun part, most of our events have an accompanying program, taxi drives and catering. Every participants also receives professional photographs free of charge.

We regularly hold special track dates which are focused on specific car group or themes. Such as celebration of 50 years of BMW M division. Every year we also organize a track meet for Japanese cars - GR Meet with rich program.